Plan the layout and move forward with certainty! Huiguang Technology held annual summary meeting


  On January 10, 2022, Huiguang Technology held the 202 […]


On January 10, 2022, Huiguang Technology held the 2021 annual work summary and 2022 annual work planning and deployment meeting, summed up and reviewed the work results in 2021, and comprehensively planned the work ideas for 2022. The company's chairman Zhang Huiming, general manager Fu Dongfen, the company More than 30 heads of departments and key employees attended the meeting.


Summarize experience, analyze deficiencies, clarify direction, and formulate plans; the heads of each department report the work situation in 2021 and the work ideas in 2022, and sign a letter of responsibility for annual work goals with the general manager, making commitments.

target responsibility






General Manager Fu Dongfen agreed with the plans and measures formulated by various departments, and pointed out that in 2021, we are all working hard, with gains and losses, breakthroughs, progress, and many imperfections; a new plan has been laid in 2022 In 2022, we must continue to innovate boldly and continue to innovate; continue to respect Chairman Zhang Huiming's "four no principles" and "sixteen-character principles and methods", improve responsibility, and strictly enforce execution; continue to strengthen cost control , to reduce costs and increase efficiency; to strengthen team integration to reflect the wisdom of the Huiguang team; to have the arrogance to lead the trend, the ambition to condense good deeds, and the spirit to overcome difficulties, together towards the future, to realize the value of each of us, Sprint towards new goals.

Chairman Zhang Huiming delivered a speech. In 2022, the scenery is unique here. I believe we will be better. We must be firm, pragmatic and pragmatic to meet new challenges together; we must keep pace with the times to enrich ourselves and seize opportunities without losing time. , using our experience, technology and professional advantages, strengthen technological innovation, management innovation, product innovation, marketing innovation, enhance the core competitiveness of enterprises, and achieve win-win coexistence with customers for cooperative development.


The heavy responsibility is on the shoulders, and the mission is like a rock; the work goals and ideas for 2022 have been determined, and the new requirements have been deployed. Everyone must arouse their fighting spirit, strengthen their confidence, grow upward, and make strong breakthroughs, and go all out to create more great possibilities and new Let's go together in 2022!