Warmly celebrate the 19th anniversary of the establishment of Huitong


Time flies, wind and rain, a hard work, a harvest! Huit […]

Time flies, wind and rain, a hard work, a harvest! Huitong has gone through a difficult 19 years in a healthy posture, and has gone through 19 years of unity and unity, and has gone through 19 years of development. Today, on June 18th, Hangzhou Huitong Metal Cabinet Co., Ltd. ushered in his 19th birthday. These 19 years are the 19 years that Huitong people have fought out from hardships and sorrows; these 19 years are the 19 years since Huitong was from nothing, from small to large, from weak to strong; these 19 years are the experience of Huitong people. 19 years of hard work, hard work, and joy!

19 years of wind and rain, 19 years of wearing stars and wearing moons, 19 years of ups and downs, 19 years of hardships and the same boat, created Huitong brilliant today. Looking forward to the future, we will be aspirational and continue to soar in the smart self-service terminal industry and leap to a new height!

Looking back, we are proud of the achievements we have made. Looking forward to the future, we feel that we have a long way to go. Our achievements are in the past. In the future, we must be more aware of the situation and tasks facing the company, facing the grandeur of Chairman Zhang Huiming. Blueprint, we have a hundred times of confidence to meet the challenge, and have a great chapter to write a new chapter. Looking back on 19 years, we have been working hard, and looking back on 19 years, we have gained confidence and strength. Say goodbye to today, look forward to tomorrow, standing on the new starting point of 19 years, we Huitong people will start a new voyage, we will use diligence and wisdom, speed and quality, use the "artisan spirit" to create the ultimate product and create new achievements. , write new glory!

“When some ideas get together, that’s a bright spot, we’ve been moving towards that bright spot, never slowing down...” From cabinets and equipment to providing customers with a total solution, from the original only four garages and More than a dozen people, now with more than 200 experienced engineers and researchers in the industry, Huitong constantly seeks change according to social needs, and steadily marches on the road of long-term success.