Ready to go, bloom in the future----Huiguang Technology 2016 Summary Commendation and 2017 New Year Annual Meeting


On January 15th, 2017, Huiguang Technology 2016 Annual […]

On January 15th, 2017, Huiguang Technology 2016 Annual Summary and Commemoration 2017 New Year Meeting was held in Xiaoshan Hometown Resort Hotel. Hui Hui Technology General Manager Zhang Huiming, Deputy General Manager Fu Dongfen, Huang Jun, Huiguang Subsidiary---Zhejiang Liang Zhuo Information General Manager Cai Liang and other leaders of the company attended the meeting

At the conference, Deputy General Manager Huang Jun on behalf of the company's managerial office made an annual work report with the theme of “focusing on innovation as the core competitiveness, making progress in the transition journey” and fully deploying the 2017 work. .

According to the annual work report, in the past year, Huiguang Technology has been supported by the municipal and district party committees, the government, the competent departments at all levels, and all sectors of society, under the correct leadership of General Manager Zhang Huiming, in various departments and secondary units. With the strong cooperation, the company has maintained the advantages of its products through technological innovation. Through management innovation, it has maintained the core competitiveness of the company. Based on the changes in the market situation, the company has actively adjusted its business development strategy and explored new ways to develop. The development of the “25th Five-Year Plan” has made a good start. 2017 is the most crucial year for us to accelerate the pace of development. Doing a good job in 2017 is crucial to promoting the smooth and rapid development of Huiguang. We must carry out the concept of "two workers, three new, four products, five liters" as the starting point, promote the expansion of the new field, rapidly form a new situation of "four-point effect", and realize the transformation of the company's steady development and transformation. All cadres and employees must use new ideas, new ideas, to meet new challenges and challenges.

Subsequently, representatives of various departments of the company also made annual work reports and made up their minds for the 2017 work schedule.

(Sale, design, purchase three beautiful women in the same box)

(Two major leaders in the production department)

(Two major responsible persons in the quality department)

(Material control department, finance department summary)

(Marketing Center, General Manager, Market Plan, Speech)

(Zhejiang Weizhuo Information Cai always made a work plan statement)

Fu Dongfen, the deputy general manager of the company, made a speech. Mr. Fu first expressed his gratitude to all management backbones and all employees, and pointed out the “worries” felt in the company's future development, worried about quality issues, and quality problems in market sales. Bringing a lot of passive situations, I hope that the company's management personnel will quickly improve their quality awareness and effectively change their work style to realize their own value.

Zhang Huiming, the general manager of the company, delivered an important speech. Mr. Zhang talked about the four major points of “team”, “management”, “product” and “situation”. The company’s goal is to rely on the team, not only the opportunity, but also the most important person. At the same time, I hope that Weizhuo Information can rise rapidly and enhance the company's research and development strength; Mr. Zhang reminds company cadres to use "heart" to do management, management must be pragmatic, 2017 evaluation work must be results-oriented; Always stress "products", in the new year, we must have pressure and have to act. We must deliver qualified products and stable solutions to our customers. Mr. Zhang asks everyone to recognize the "situation". The company will do it in 2016. A lot of work has been paved and a lot of experience has been gained. It is necessary to adjust the company's positioning, innovate and focus on products, and achieve rapid transformation of the company. Mr. Zhang stressed: Although we have achieved certain results in 2016, Huiguang Technology's corporate vision is only a small step forward. In the future, the reform and innovation of enterprises and the transformation and development will still have a long way to go.

Subsequently, the management center read out the company's commendation decision, and in order to motivate the advanced, a number of outstanding employees with outstanding contributions were selected in various departments to commend them. Participants learned about their talents in their daily work by watching the winners' advanced stories, and they were touched by their dedication and selfless dedication.

(Photograph of outstanding employees in 2016)

Finally, Huang Jun, the deputy general manager of the company, made a concluding speech at the conference. General Huang asked the centers and departments at all levels to comprehensively improve the management level on the basis of 2016, to benefit from management, continue to improve the research and development level, increase production capacity and improve Operating efficiency, I hope that all cadres and staff of Huiguang Technology should have a positive attitude of optimism and self-confidence, work together in a down-to-earth manner, and work hard to achieve the company's 2017 annual goal!

(More exciting below)

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After the conclusion of the annual summary meeting, the 2017 New Year group meeting began. During the dinner party, everyone laughed and laughed together and toasted for the bright tomorrow of Huiguang/Huitong!

In the New Year’s party, there are naturally entertainment and lottery sessions. The company has specially set up a number of awards, lucky prizes, fourth prizes, third prizes, second prizes, first prizes, and special prizes. The climax, the exciting draw, the leadership and the family's affectionate interaction, singing, laughter, applause, cheers always waved at the venue.

(The beauty of the design department sings and wins flowers)

(Deputy General Manager Huang Junxianhua)

(Intern college students quickly integrate into the company, impromptu performances at the banquet)

(Cai Zong Duan from the glass)

(Zhang banquet banquet)

(Zhang Zonghaoqing singing)

Years are not living, Heaven is rewarding, "Up and down the same desire to win", we must unite as one, forge ahead, and realize the company's transformation goals as soon as possible! 2017, we smell chicken dancing, ready to go, 2017, we are accumulating, and we are moving forward! "Everyone picks up their sleeves and cheers!"