The dream is very close, the responsibility is on the shoulder ------ Huiguang Technology holds the annual task decomposition completion inventory and the year-end sprint mobilization meeting


In order to conscientiously implement the spirit of the […]

In order to conscientiously implement the spirit of the annual work conference of the general manager and the spirit of the semi-annual task decomposition conference, deeply analyze the problems existing in the company's operation management and development, determine the key work direction of the company before the end of the year, comprehensively sort out the work ideas, and mobilize the company's unified thinking. Clear goals, work together, work together in the fourth quarter, and sprint the annual goal. At 14:00 on November 10, the company organized the annual task decomposition completion inventory and year-end sprint mobilization meeting, general manager Zhang Huiming, deputy general manager Fu Dongfen, Huang Jun and all middle and above management personnel attended the meeting.

According to the agenda, firstly, the responsible persons of various departments took the stage to report the summary of the work of the department this year. They briefly reviewed the development of the work in the past year, carefully analyzed the deficiencies, and conducted self-evaluation in conjunction with the tasks listed in the “General Manager’s Annual Task Decomposition Table”. The management ideas and safeguard measures for 2016 were put forward.

The company's leaders made a review on the completion of each department's work, the preparation of the report materials, and whether the self-evaluation was reasonable. The reporters were asked to answer the questions in the inventory data. At the same time as the self-evaluation of each department is recognized, the completion of the project is commended and encouraged, and it is required to sprint one more time in the two months close to the end of the year to fully implement the distribution task.

In the third part, General Manager Zhang Huiming, Deputy General Manager Fu Dongfen and Huang Jun respectively commented on the work of various departments and put forward specific work requirements.

Huang Jun, deputy general manager, summed up and mobilized the meeting, to do good things close to the annual meeting, emphasize the key work directions of various departments, and find ways to save costs in procurement, and thoroughly carry out the inquiry work in depth; the material control department should strengthen Cultivate talents and keep the accounts clear; the quality department should grasp the principles and strengthen management and control; the technical department should change the idea of selling products as “selling technology”, enhance the ability of comprehensive solutions, strengthen interaction with the workshop, and reduce drawings. The error rate of the sales department and the salespersons of the sales department to strengthen the marketing and communication skills, the reminder of the payment should be timely, and the sales volume should be large.

Mr. Fu said that he has great expectations for the sales department and expects to break through the sales of 100 million yuan. Combined with the internal and external business situation facing the company and the key work direction of the next step, she pointed out that it is necessary to profoundly understand the company's annual work meeting and this book. The spirit of the meeting, fully recognize the seriousness of the situation, and earnestly enhance the sense of urgency, responsibility and mission, and comprehensively complete the annual goals and tasks. All middle-level cadres must grow up as soon as possible. First, they must subvert their thoughts, recognize their position from the ideological point of view, maintain a clearer mind, and further enhance their sense of development, competition, and efficiency. Second, we must face up to the shortcomings, strengthen our confidence, turn pressure into motivation, respond to challenges, consolidate and give play to our strengths, and promote the steady development of the company.

Zhang Huiming, general manager of the company, pointed out that opportunities and challenges are waiting for us. The company's new management structure is being updated. Before the official release, we can reveal a little information, that is, we have already attracted elites with strong marketing capabilities to join, I believe Next year's sales will be a leap forward, and tomorrow will be even brighter. Mr. Zhang stressed that we should take performance appraisal as the guide and analyze and find the “short board”. Relevant departments should work together, cooperate, improve execution, propose improvement measures, tap the work highlights, improve the weak indicators, and give full play to the advantages. Good year-end sprint, successfully complete the annual target mission.