Empowering a new era, and jointly transforming new metamorphosis----Huiguang Technology 2018 Annual Work Summary and 2019 Work Planning Deployment Conference


On January 9, 2019, Huiguang Technology 2018 Annual Wor […]

On January 9, 2019, Huiguang Technology 2018 Annual Work Summary and 2019 Work Planning and Deployment Conference was held in Tianyu Kaiyuan, the capital of the city. The company's chairman Zhang Huiming, general manager Fu Dongfen, company leadership team members, company More than 30 people in charge of various departments and key employees attended the meeting. The meeting was hosted by Huang Jun, executive vice president of the company.


On January 9, 2019, Huiguang Technology 2018 Annual Work Summary and 2019 Work Planning and Deployment Conference was held in Tianyu Kaiyuan, the capital of the city. The company's chairman Zhang Huiming, general manager Fu Dongfen, company leadership team members, company More than 30 people in charge of various departments and key employees attended the meeting. The meeting was hosted by Huang Jun, executive vice president of the company.

Subsequently, the heads of the departments conducted a comprehensive summary of their respective tasks, reviewed the major achievements and struggles of the past year, as well as the existing problems and deficiencies, and reported on the goals of the 2019 plan.

General Manager Fu Dongfen expressed his support for the summing up of various departments and the goals and measures formulated. Fu said that in the planning of 2019, we must establish an effective mechanism, rely on performance, and use digital proof to be able to In 2019, we must first build an excellent team, and require middle and high-level teams and grass-roots teams to achieve interlocking results. We must inherit and develop the management experience of the chairman for many years, and give full play to the capabilities and advantages of each individual. Complementing, down-to-earth, and unifying values; creating a learning atmosphere and enhancing individual abilities; optimizing the management mechanism and embracing the warmth of the group, we must have a pattern, determination, desire, and dreams to complete the set goals, believe the team The power is strong, empowering this new era, I hope that everyone will work together, unite, strengthen confidence, and expand our new transformation.

Zhang Huiming, chairman of the company, delivered an important speech. Zhang Dong fully affirmed the company's achievements in the past year, deeply analyzed the current development situation of the company, and put forward higher requirements for us. Zhang Dong pointed out that Hangzhou and Xiaoshan are facing the great opportunity of the Asian Games after the previous summit. It has reached the best period of historical development. We Huiguang Technology has also reached the best period of historical development. The company has to walk on its own right path, 2019. In the year, the company should continue to reform and innovate, continue to strengthen the concept of industrial design and vigorously promote the spirit of artisans, strengthen supervision of all links, and strive to improve product quality; to make large-scale production plans according to sales orders, and strive to improve work efficiency and management level; Learn, strengthen training, learn and use, and deepen understanding of the 16-character guidelines and methods, and strive to improve the level of team building; strengthen the implementation of process proposals, increase incentives, and strive to improve the technological level of products; emphasize criticism and Self-criticism, improve their own quality; emphasize process control, do a good job, reduce costs; do a good job in corporate culture construction and performance appraisal, do a good job of incentives, so that all employees really understand that "there is a platform to work hard, the treatment is guaranteed Affordable, there is room for development, and the care and respect for every employee Re-implementation into daily work, let everyone have more sense of acquisition, pride, honor and happiness. At the same time, he hopes that all cadres and employees will not forget their original intentions, be motivated, dare to take responsibility, work hard, take the sense of responsibility and mission of the master, and be more full of enthusiasm, more intelligent mind, more enterprising spirit, and more excellent. In order to make new and greater contributions to the company's quality, upper level and upper level, he hopes that Huiguang people can work together side by side to create a new glory.

"Thousands of heavy burdens are chosen by everyone, and there are indicators on everyone's shoulders." The responsible persons of each department have signed the responsibility for the work objectives with the leaders in charge, and made a promise to determine the objectives of the 2019 mission, unify the thinking, and clarify the ideas. It will enable all departments to clarify their responsibilities and pressures, enhance their sense of execution and responsibility, and push all work to a new level in the new year.
